Monday, December 3, 2007

Donnie McClurkin Gay Friends

I was just thinking...With all of the hoopla about Donnie McClurkin being gay, there should be an apparent realization that he is not simply because the gay community is angry with him. Keith Boykin who started the Gay Anti-Gay Ex-Gay campaign against McClurkin threw stones and hid his hands -- by initiating the campaign to stop Donnie McClurkin from singing at the Obama event. Perhaps Boykin wanted to be able to speak in the White House and it didn't happen. Allegedly.

Bloggers are all over the web getting attention through this public person. What's appalling is that there is now an alleged "bishop" named Yvette Flunder who believes that it is OK to be a bishop and ignore the words in the bible which attest to God's abhorrence of the gay lifestyle. She has yet to state that God told her He has changed His word against the lifestyle or how she preaches from the Word of God and ignores those parts. Don't get me wrong, she is not the only gay person who is personally condemning McClurkin, she is just one of many who personally knows McClurkin. She has a score to settle, that is allegedly. Perhaps she didn't get the record contract like he did. It is highly likely that he severed their relationship because of her adamant refusal to be obedient to God's word. Does loving someone have to lead to out of wedlock sex? Is God confused about what is best for His creation?

Flunder condemns McClurkin based on an unnamed, unknown, undated alleged interview with a person who claims to have known McClurkin. She states:
I have read with disgust Donnie’s remarks about waging war against the Gay community, but I really know that this duplicitous rhetoric is because of the war that is raging inside of him.
How does she know? The answers could be stated by anyone who read his book or visited the church's website. It was pathetic, and Flunder bashed McClurkin for this reason. What happen to innocent until proven guilty. Can this evidence be entered into court? Piecing together tidbits of information from his book, website and figments of his imagination (if that's possible because there really is no physical person) hardly holds up as evidence. If he or she or it had a fling with McClurkin while he was starting a church, and he feels its wrong, isn't he condemning Flunder also? Is Flunder the alleged lover? Are there any facts or evidence? Is a ghost allowed to testify? Wouldn't a bishop want to use scripture to challenge a church leader? I guess with Flunder its different. It seems that "alleged" bishops can skip parts of the bible. No one has publicly come forward to state they had gay sex with Donnie McClurkin. The story is a hoax and a lie and only snakes bit.

Since the bible says "love covers" and "restore with the spirit of meekness", this coupled with Flunder's gay lifestyle (probably sexually active) is an overt indication that Flunder does not teach from the bible allegedly. This is just the classic case of misery loving company allegedly. Could it be that she wants the virtual Rob's story to be true so that McClurkin takes a position of "invisibility" like she had to or is it that she wants a "big church" like she believes he allegedly has. Doesn't the church belong to Jesus Christ.?

I personally believe anybody can be gay if they want to, but why do they want to get positions in a religious organization whose writs are contrary to their beliefs. Perhaps they believe that holding a position in church means that is okay with God. I haven't heard of a new bible being written that takes those clauses out. Last I heard, Jesus Christ said "He didn't come to change the law, but to fulfill it." Matthew 5:7. So what is the obsession with gay people and the church. I dare not say it's against religion in general, because the attacks are usually against the Christian church because they have the most lax rules. Give em an inch... you know the rest. Some churches permit people to become ordained without qualifications or because they paid for the paper.

Jesus Christ called Judas his friend because even though Judas betrayed Him, he was a part of the plan to get Christ to His divine destiny. The gay people are therefore McClurkin's friends. Well that's enough blogging for me, I was just thinking out loud...

Fortunately, God shall not be mocked. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the word of God shall stand forever.

1 comment:

Jason Oliver Evans said...

Hi Wisdom,

This is a interesting title for a blog. You have some great points in your inaugural post. I hope you continue with this blog.

Blessings to you!